Romans 13: Part 3, Paying What You Owe

Romans 13:5-7

5. Wherefore it is necessary to be in subjection, not only because of wrath, but also for conscience’ sake. 6. For because of this you also pay taxes, for rulers are servants of God, devoting themselves to this very thing. 7. Render to all what is due them: tax to whom tax is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honor to whom honor.

Here is a part of our larger Romans 13:1-7 passage that always gins up some interesting questions. It does seem to be obvious that in order to apply this passage to our lives we assuredly have to ask, ‘Exactly what taxes, fear and honor are due? How do we know what is due? If I can figure this out I will obey post haste. It is after all my desire to obey God in all things. It was while reflecting on these issues that a vision of a conversation came to my ears. It seems that a fine Christian man had started asking these very questions to an IRS agent! Scribbling in shorthand I scrambled to get it all down.

Christian man (CM): So then sir, I am just hoping the agency can tell me what I owe so that I can obey God and write this check!

IRS agent: Well, I cannot tell you that.

CM: OK, then who can? Do I need to talk to your superior?

Agent: No, no, you see, you have to tell us what you owe.

CM: Really! Alright, I owe you nothing. Can I go now?

Agent: Don’t be so hasty. Everybody has to pay what they owe. You fill out this form here. It’s voluntary.

CM: Voluntary? I thought you just said I had to fill out the form?

Agent: You have to fill out the voluntary form. What is so confusing about that?

CM: How about if you just fill out the voluntary form and then we will know its right?

Agent: No can do fella. You have to fill it out yourself or we will do it for you.

CM: Yeah, that is what I said.

Agent: If we fill out the form we will say that you owe 16 trillion dollars plus penalties and interest.

CM: Waaaaait a minute, now we are talking about how much you owe. I want to figure out how much I owe. Let’s restart this conversation. Are you saying that I owe whatever the government actually levies? Or do I owe what God’s word allows you to levy?

Agent: We are God. Pay what we levy.

CM: I believe my God trumps you all day long.

Agent: Pay what you owe or the IRS will wreck your life.

CM: Alright, what do I owe?

Agent: Stop asking that question and just pay what you owe. Use these books to figure it out.

CM: Well, don’t get snippy. Wow! This is a huge pile of books. What pages do I go to?

Agent: We will let you know after you fill out the form. Get an accountant.

CM: How about if I just ask you? Then I will know I have it right.

Agent: Nope, we might make a mistake and then we would have to fine you.

CM: Well, what if the accountant needs advice? Can he call you?

Agent: Yes, he can call but if we make a mistake we will have to fine you

CM: Not to be repetitive, but how will I know what I owe?

Agent: You owe whatever the form says.

CM: Is this like a law or something, or is it just your internal policy?

Agent: If you do not fill out the form we will take you to court.

CM: OH – sounds tough but at least I will get a fair hearing.

Agent: Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, wheeze, ha, ha, ha.

CM: What? What is so funny?

Agent: The judges all have to answer to us when they fill out these same forms. Why do you think we win almost every case?

CM: I am really more interested in obeying the real King of the universe than I am in playing these games with you. How about if I just pay a little less than what He charges me and we call it even? Then you can both be happy.

Agent: We do not care what your God wants. Just pay what you owe and He will be satisfied.

CM: You mean, you want me to obey you because my God says to obey you but you won’t tell me what I owe and you do not care what He wants?

Agent: Do not put words in my mouth old man. Pay what you owe or we will kick your doors down. WE don’t care about your God or anything He says. Pay what you owe. Pay what you owe. Pay what you owe. Pay…

And, the conversation faded and I shook myself back to consciousness. They never really got to the part about honor and fear to whom they are due. Maybe that was a different conversation. Also, I am still confused. Was it the amount that is levied that is due or is it the amount Gods law allows that is due?

Note: The guy that wrote this attributed it to me. I am posting it as a part of my Romans 13 series. Hope you enjoyed it.

For Christian Culture


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Suspender Man™, Don Schanzenbach, has long been an outspoken advocate of recapturing culture for Christ. He holds a MA in applied Biblical studies and a doctorate in applied theological studies in the field of political philosophy and government from New Geneva Seminary. He has been thinking, writing and speaking on Christian culture for two decades.

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