Apprenticeship Program

MTRA Apprentices to Pastors Program

Mission to Restore America announces our Apprentices and Pastors program. We are collaborating with Old Virginia Woodworking to raise up men who can support themselves while launching new churches. We want to help develop fresh leadership for the American church who can lead the way back to morality and justice – back to Christian civilization.

The American church and culture have fallen a long way over the past few decades. We see our society beset on every side with debilitating problems for which there are no easy answers. King David asked in Psalm 11:3 “If the foundations are destroyed what can the righteous do?” That question remains relevant today. And the answer we suppose is to work on the foundations. This is exactly what we are trying to do in our Apprentices and Pastors program.

With Apprentices and Pastors we are working to train men who can be self-supporting while evangelizing and starting new works to revitalize our nation and turning our country back to the Christian God we once served. We want to do what we can to train and send out men who can rebuild a fresh Christendom from the foundations on up. This is why we have partnered with New Geneva Christian Leadership Academy and Seminary in Appomattox, VA and with Old Virginia Woodworking to create a new opportunity.

Qualified young men may now learn a viable career trade working for Old Virginia Woodworking and at the same time gain excellent Christian theological training. The initial program includes a two year apprenticeship in furniture refinishing and repairs with Old Virginia Woodworking and, concurrently, thirty semester hours of Bible and theology training through New Geneva. The student will gain a two year associates degree from New Geneva and will learn valuable skills he can take with him into the market place. And, if he desires, he can continue to support himself while furthering his education with New Geneva. Other partnerships are also under way.

This is a rapidly changing and expanding opportunity so check back for developments. Contact us for more information.

Don Schanzenbach
MA, PhD New Geneva Seminary | Expert Woodworker