The Bible – Original Handbook on Liberty

As nation after nation across the mid-east finds itself facing riots in the streets western news media seem to be cheering on the sidelines believing that everyone should have freedom, not just us. However, what most writers and pundits have not understood is where liberty in the west came from in the first place. Many of us know about the vicious cruelty of ancient societies. Greece and Rome built their magnificent cities on the backs of their captured enemies made slaves. Wherever we read in history there were always faceless thousands of impoverished laborers needed to support the privileged few. So how was it exactly that the nations of the west were able to rise out of that cycle of enslavement? What was it that brought freedom and prosperity to the west?

What most secular historians refuse to acknowledge is the profound force for good that was released on the west through the application of Biblical principle as Europe and its satellites were evangelized. Wherever the Bible and its doctrines were proclaimed a dawning light of liberty followed after. Some may snarl that it was way too slow in arriving but the fact is that prior to Biblical thought being taught freedom never arrived at all.

Many American Christians understand that believing in Jesus can free your soul from sin. I pray that millions more people will discover that truth. That in itself is enough to move a society toward increasing freedom, but it is not all the Bible offers. Along with that gospel comes teaching on a wide variety of precepts each of which frees men from the slaveries of the past.

For example Biblical economics requires very low taxes, honesty in business dealings, honest money, low debts, and productive labor for pay. When practiced these ideas are powerful and transform a society in the direction of prosperity and financial freedom. Biblical law concerning land ownership puts land permanently in the hands of individuals and families. Even if you were a stumble down drunk in Israel you could not permanently lose your land. Your children would always have an inheritance. All types of private property were respected with laws of restitution being applied for theft. Even bond servants had to be released after seven years maximum. That was the original source for the idea of the Indentured Servant. The servant (slave) could only serve up to seven years. He had to be sent away with his family and goods to start a new life. The bond servant could not be mistreated while under the service of his master lest the master receive equal treatment. Hence, what we sometimes call slavery in Israel was actually a system for provision and dignified work for their kinsmen. It was designed to lift people out of poverty not force them into it.

All of these things and a great deal more were the tools that God used to lift men who had enslaved each other for centuries into the light of His freedom; God’s Book, God’s freedom. In the non-Christian nations and now increasingly in the west we can all learn and relearn the lessons of freedom if we will only turn back to God’s handbook on liberty.

For Christian Culture,

Don Schanzenbach

Suspender Man™, Don Schanzenbach, has long been an outspoken advocate of recapturing culture for Christ. He holds a MA in applied Biblical studies and a doctorate in applied theological studies in the field of political philosophy and government from New Geneva Seminary. He has been thinking, writing and speaking on Christian culture for two decades.

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