Kings and Tyrants

Kings and tyrants may seem a peculiar topic now at the beginning of the 21st century. After all, America has never had a king and the despotic and bloody tyrants, well, weren’t they rulers of other countries? We elect presidents here. No kings or tyrants we can see.

 What brought the topic to mind however, is that I have begun to notice disparate voices literally calling for the return of earthly kings “…We were also musing – on Bastille Day – on why monarchy was not such a bad system of government, after all. At least, Louis 16th was less sensitive to mob pressure; he didn’t have to keep his eye on the opinion polls. He could do things that were necessary, even when they were unpopular” (Bill Bonner). Now, I am uncertain exactly how serious Mr. Bonner was but others I have heard are dead serious to a point where it is getting worrisome (except Jesus taught we are not supposed to worry of course). The sentiment seems to be rising everywhere. Even the Occupiers, with all their chants ranting “This is what democracy looks like” are literally making animated defenses of both Mao and Hitler. Neither held the title of King but both were bloody tyrants in a magnified image of the most miserable men who ever sat on thrones. It seems that our national theology and memory have been erased. There was after all good cause for the Declaration of Independence to be declared.

 I always write about Biblical civilization, and the restoring of same. Lest I become fully absorbed in the civilization part, let me mention first the Bible part – what the Bible teaches about life under a king.

 Remember that when God put together the original nation of Israel, the chosen people, the people of God, the peculiar nation, He chose from among all others, that He did not initiate a government of earthly kings. Rather, He set them up with a superior system. While still in the wilderness the Lord gave His people, through Moses, His law. That law contained several aspects not the least of which was the civil law of Israel. God gave them the law to run their nation and they had 40 years in the desert to learn and practice that law before they entered the Promised Land. It was the very foundation for their civil society. God also gave them a system of judges to interpret and apply the sanctions of that law in judicial cases, and He established Himself as king over the newly formed nation. That was it: God as King, written law, and judges to enforce the law. As they entered the Promised Land for which they had waited 400 years this is the government they were given by God. They were the first civil polity organized under the King of Kings and His law. They were to be a light to the nations who would say, “Surely this nation is a great and wise people” (Deut. 4:6) serving under the banner of the King of heaven.

 Israel was the freest nation in history. There were no taxes other than a small head tax due once a year. Land rights were inviolable. There was no draft. There were no prisons, no government agencies to harass anyone, and no official government money to corrupt and inflate. These along with many other basic rights made the foundation for the most blessed and free people on the planet. The system lasted nearly 400 years. Even though those sinful people kept turning away from God, He kept bringing them back to repentance and restoration. There were a total of 17 judges and hence 17 revivals (Judges2:18-19) in a period of four centuries.

Our own nation from the landing of the Pilgrims in 1620, to the present, is nearly 400 years old. We have sustained perhaps 3 or 4 revivals and are now nearly as corrupt as the Israelites at the end of the era of judges. They eventually demanded an earthly king, rejecting the Lord as their king. This led to untold misery for them as shown in the records of Kings and Chronicles. Once they turned from God and Godly government they never regained their liberty. The kings oppressed them with every form of tyranny, taxes, and transgression until the whole lot of them were finally carried away into the slavery they deserved under the hands of their enemies. They received slavery at home and slavery abroad.

 We are teetering now on the edge of great national disaster. Our personal and national morals are so corrupted we appear more like pagans than Christians. Our military is spread thin over nearly the entire planet. Our young people have not been taught by their parents anything of Christ or His gentle civilization. Our money is inflated and backed by nothing than the promises of a central government. This is the same central government we grimace and grind over daily concerning its constant barrage of half-truths and damned-lies concerning nearly everything that matters.

 It is here that we find ourselves positioned very much like the people of Israel at the end of the age of the judges. Samuel had appointed his two morally bankrupt sons as Judges over the nation. The people recoiled by their debauchery, demanded a different system. They called for a king like the other nations. They wanted a strong central authority to set things right and make life more tolerable. They decided to trust that central human government rather than God as their king. They suffered immeasurably for that decision.

 If we do not repent and turn back to our God we are likely to make a similar decision. The nation is falling into moral disrepair and financial ruin. The unredeemed man always wants to cede all power to a central authority, no matter how wicked, since his heart will not trust in the God of heaven. He willingly trades liberty for bread and safety but he receives neither. Friends, this is not the time for a king or tyrant. It is a time for repentance and reformation. If we wish to see the return of our freedom and prosperity we first must return to our God and obey Him in all things.

 God promises in the Book of Isaiah, chapter 1:26 “Then I will restore your judges as at the first, and your counselors as at the beginning; after that you will be called the city of righteousness, a faithful city.”   This promise is yet waiting to be fulfilled. It describes for us the direction of history. Our destiny is not to be forever abused by earthly kings. Christian civilization will eventually advance, overcome all odds, and regain its liberty under judges and counselors as the Scripture promises. In Christ, freedom is already ours. We must not vote for kings and tyrants to rule over us. They will not save us. For the redeemed, Christ has already saved our souls. Pray for Him to save the nation as well.

 Don Schanzenbach 11-26-11

The American Hope Project




Suspender Man™, Don Schanzenbach, has long been an outspoken advocate of recapturing culture for Christ. He holds a MA in applied Biblical studies and a doctorate in applied theological studies in the field of political philosophy and government from New Geneva Seminary. He has been thinking, writing and speaking on Christian culture for two decades.

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