Dangerous Food Article Goes Viral

There has been big news lately about government agents in Michigan going about and killing pigs. Perhaps you have not heard. The offending pigs, the ones slated for KABAAM you’re dead, are called heritage breeds. This means they are not hybrids made to produce the most meat and the least bone, like the ones in the mega-hog operations. If you have the bad pigs with black or red spots, these really, really bad pigs, then there is no choice but to have the state come in and eradicate them. Crazy farmers, what were they imagining? Who knows, the gullible public could have gotten their hands on some of that forbidden hog meat, and then what would have happened? It is simply too hogrible to conceive. Besides, those black and red spotted pigs can get into neighbors’ gardens and gobble up last year’s turnips. Can’t have that.

You know, it really is interesting how our government protectors are so frenzied about foods for our stomachs and so little concerned about food for our souls. Now, believe me, I have no desire to have them rooting around in the garden of my soul, but still, why all the fuss about spotted hogs or raw milk and a complete disregard for the starvation of the national soul? As far as I can find, the state is not supposed to be rummaging around in either garden. Yet, there are a few observations we can make about these food and soul food fights that are meat for our consideration.

These guys that we call government agents, were once called public servants, were once called ministers of God (Romans 13). So, the transformation is complete, the role is reversed. The ministers who once represented God in the affairs of men now represent a government of men that is opposed to both God and His law. The ministers whose very title embraced spiritual cognizance and morality have become the ones who disallow prayer in the schools. They will make sure your child drinks only government approved milk while at the same time making sure he does not pray openly in thanks for it. Any spiritual pottage is suitable, even commanded, for use in the classroom, but the utmost care is taken about the meats served in the lunchroom. Those spotted pigs will never make it into the gravy at your local high school. Your soul could starve till the bones are showing, but at least your body will not be desecrated by spotted hog.

In California the authorities are forbidding the importation of Mexican cheeses. They are supposedly worried that these uninspected, and illegal cheeses could carry pathogens. They are not sure which pathogens might be transmitted since the danger is as yet only imaginary. I wonder what they think it might be? Maybe syphilis perhaps? Or, maybe Alzheimer’s, or brain stroke disease will be smuggled across the border in these felonious heads of cheese. While one agency of doodling do-nothings is chasing cheese heads, another government agency is handing out machine guns to border-crossing gangs that are causing thousands to die of lead poisoning. Under their Project Gunrunner automatic rifles were sold to Mexican gangs some of which made it back across the border to be used in fights with our border control agents. This is how our government people protect us now. They chase harmless cheeses, carried across in suitcases we are told, but send pick-up sized piles of machine guns to smugglers who want to shoot us. They stack up the cheeses in padlocked freezers. It sure makes me feel good that those cheeses are in jail where they belong.

Oh, but I got all distracted. With spotty hogs, underground milk, danger riddled cheese, and heaps of machine guns, I almost forgot my main point. The main point is that however much a Godless government tries, it cannot feed or protect your soul. We elect Godless men who have no conception of what it means to be a minister of God. They have no Biblical view, no faith, and no vision to be  men of Christian virtue or inspiration to the public they serve. It is not their fault. We are the ones who elect them, so let the blame fall on us.

It is impossible for a Godless civil government to make any connection between the reality of spiritual food and the realm of physical food. God and His church can do that, but soulless government agencies cannot. Every week our family weeds, and waters, and labors to grow food for our bodies. We grind grain and we stir up drinks. On Sunday, we arrive at church. There we eat bread, and drink the wine of life with our brethren. It is at that moment that bodily food and soul food are united in a single universe. To the state it is only the body, the hogs and the cheeses that matter. To us, to the church, we are not so interested in the food fights. What has captured our hearts is the real food that came down from heaven. He is the One who connects everything in a world otherwise gone mad. The One who made the grain and the grapes has given us eyes to see what He made. For this we are thankful.

For Christian Culture,

Don Schanzenbach

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Suspender Man™, Don Schanzenbach, has long been an outspoken advocate of recapturing culture for Christ. He holds a MA in applied Biblical studies and a doctorate in applied theological studies in the field of political philosophy and government from New Geneva Seminary. He has been thinking, writing and speaking on Christian culture for two decades.

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