Do Not Be Discouraged, Be Faithful

This, with only two minor word changes, is what I wrote to encourage my son Daniel, during 2nd semester at the then brand new, Patrick Henry College. The year was 2001. He is all grown up now with two children of his own, and living an admirable life. I believe I saw a somewhat similar story somewhere back then, and adapted the idea for this letter. I hope it encourages your heart as it was meant to build-up his. I titled it at the time, Keep Charging the Gates.

Dear Daniel,

Imagine if you will that you have been transported back two hundred years. The year is 1778. It is winter and the temperatures hover perhaps around zero, sometimes colder. You find yourself gazing out into a heavy snowfall across a large valley.  In the distance you see some movement. It is not much at first but it grows. A lengthening dark line is snaking its way slowly toward you. As the flurries hasten down you brush the melting crystals from your eyelashes attempting to discern more clearly the men who are now spilling over the mountain and approaching your position. You step behind a large oak or beech tree watching unnoticed, the troop as it passes by. Among them you see hardly a man wearing boots. Most have wrapped their feet in rags torn from where they could be found. Their trail is marked by bloody footsteps in the snow.

As they pass you find their resolute spirit compelling. There is a young soldier, maybe seventeen walking with, partially supporting, a man his father’s age. Most are farmers, most are too young to be there. Among them however, are a few who have grandchildren. They have not been paid for several months. They have virtually no food and for the last year have been on the run. Yet, they march on. To each other they appear to be average men. Few among them will have his name remembered or his suffering remembered publicly.

These young men were George Washington’s army at Valley Forge. They defeated the mightiest army on earth. They bought liberty for their brethren and families for generations to come. While they viewed themselves as average we deem them giants and so does God.

Do not be discouraged about your seeming troubles. You are in the winning army. Average at Patrick Henry College is strong leadership material everywhere else. You have been privileged to be born at a historic moment. The enemies of Christendom; the humanist mind, is at the end of its tether. They have tried all of their ideas and failed. The ideals you are learning at PHC are stronger in every way. The righteous will inherit the earth. God has chosen you and your compatriots as a vanguard to obtain a stunning victory for the kingdom.

March on, keep your chin high, and the Lord of battles will show you your place at the battlements. You were born for such a time as this.


For Christian Culture,

Don Schanzenbach

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Suspender Man™, Don Schanzenbach, has long been an outspoken advocate of recapturing culture for Christ. He holds a MA in applied Biblical studies and a doctorate in applied theological studies in the field of political philosophy and government from New Geneva Seminary. He has been thinking, writing and speaking on Christian culture for two decades.

4 Comments on “Do Not Be Discouraged, Be Faithful

  1. Don, as someone who was never blessed with the precious gift of children, I was, nonetheless, greatly moved by your loving and steadfast words of encouragement to your son. I pray that he will be successful in every endeavor and that the leadership skills taught him at PHC will ultimately aid him in service to our King.

  2. Have you noticed the lack of comments posted on this and your other one called “Christians Have Grand Hope” ?

    You’ll notice on most blogs that present any issue or problem other than one of hope, there’s comment in abundance, as well as a bunch of bickering back and forth. However, write about hope and there’s little to none, as is the case here.

    I think I see a possible explanation as to why. It’s difficult to even conceive a hope if all you have is a goal, but no direction as to how to get there, let alone begin the journey. Now couple that with all the degradation and wickedness surrounding us that this nation has sunk to.

    The soldiers in this article were in rough shape to say the least (grand understatement). However, they had something besides a goal. They had a plan of action, or at least a loose one. They had something they could do other than discussion and debate. They had a musket (or something) in their hands and were lead by a General and his officers and fought they best they could to that end goal. It’s my understanding that they lost practically every battle until the one that counted, i.e., the last one.

    Now, contrast that to the goal of restoration of this nation to Christ and His Kingdom. There seems to be a lack of direction or plan or how to “occupy, ’till He come”.

    Just an observation.

    Perhaps direction and plan is what those that are His should be praying for the most.

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