Watching Freedom Evaporate (An Attempt to Do Something)

Dear Delegate Joseph P. Johnson Jr.,

 I have followed the recent controversy concerning the 2012 United States, National Defense Authorization Act which seems by its language to hand authority to the military to arrest and indefinitely hold without trial, American citizens. Particularly upsetting is the phrase, “…any person who has committed a belligerent act” thus opening a sweeping opportunity for the federal government to define virtually anyone in the country as a terrorist. It is manifestly foolish for us to believe that we will not eventually see the federal government interpreting this language as cause to arrest those who speak out against federal policies or who in any way attempt to critique immoral federal actions.

 The ancient legal right of Habeas Corpus is not only guaranteed in our Constitution, it is a right deriving from basic Biblical law and morality. It was pushed forward in western society for two thousand years as a correct legal response to protect the general citizenry against malicious accusations. Casting this protection aside or even blurring its applications is a fundamental error that will lead only to the misery of our people. As a Christian man I find it disturbing that our nation would allow itself to drift, or be dragged, into such an absurd abandonment of a foundational principle. Biblical law unwaveringly requires two or three witnesses in order to try any person for any crime. Without those witnesses there can be no prosecution. Biblical law gives no sanction for the concept of holding people without trial.

 I also see an unwise and immoral mixing of military action and civil law. Once again, as a Christian man, I see no Biblical example or teaching that would hand over our general population to the military to be held or tried outside the civil court and its procedures. If we commit crimes against the nation then let the civil authorities bring charge in the courts. The proper role of the military is to defend our borders, people and property (wives, houses, and little ones as the Bible describes) from direct attack. It is not to rake the nation in search of internal enemies of the state.

 The Biblical and Christian doctrine of interposition teaches that when a higher magistrate violates sound moral principle then it is the duty of the lower magistrate to resist that action. The first means of resistance is to disobey unlawful or immoral commands or to refuse to assist or allow those actions. These are peaceful means of pushing back against the often wrongful tilt of the higher authorities.

 Due to these considerations I respectfully request that you interpose by supporting and voting for Bob Marshall’s Protect Habeas Corpus Bill –HB1160, before the Virginia State Legislature. Also, please demand that it be given some legal tooth by tasking the local Sheriff with arresting any federal agent that would arrest American citizens and throw them in a military stockade. Please pass HB1160.

 Thank you for your help on this issue,

Don Schanzenbach   

Note to my readers – Please copy, forward, or resend this to whomever you please, and use any language you find useful here to create letters to your own representatives in your states.

Suspender Man™, Don Schanzenbach, has long been an outspoken advocate of recapturing culture for Christ. He holds a MA in applied Biblical studies and a doctorate in applied theological studies in the field of political philosophy and government from New Geneva Seminary. He has been thinking, writing and speaking on Christian culture for two decades.

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