What is Our Duty on Super Tuesday?

Today the hoopla hits its grand marching beat as Republicans flock to the polls. There we are to select the candidate who will, in theory, run the country for the next four year term. So, the importance of our voting has ramifications that will possibly echo down the halls of history, or at least in the halls of the White House for a while.

Everywhere, the political pundits e-mail, Facebook, and Tweet their considerations, some sagacious and some mad. However, even in the conservative Christian community we often forget our best ideals and become just like the crowd – the humanist crowd that is. We are captured by the incessant talk about strategies, who can beat who, and how to manipulate the outcomes to get our pet person in the highest chair. But, after all, is not this what politics is all about? And, to this, (my own question I admit) my assurance is NO and no and no. Always, our Christian duty is to do the righteous thing and then to trust God to vindicate His own and to control the flow of history. He does, after all, inform us everywhere in his word that He is the Master of all time, space, and events. He raises up kings and removes them at His will. He raises up leaders for such a time as this and He brings low the nation that disregards His law.

The most important thing we can do today is not to wrench the political mechanism to spit out the result we prefer. Rather, it is to vote for the righteous man. We are always, and in all places to do the right things, and to support the righteous men that God reveals around us. Ours is to vote for the honorable, holy men who will best represent the kingdom of God and resist evil. If God is with us in this they will prevail. If His judgments are upon us, then no amount of gyrations on our part will save us from His rightful scorn and judgments. If we will not pursue righteousness then He will pursue us with every plague of Egypt and worse if that were possible.

WE need to repent and do the right things, including voting for righteous men. That is our duty and our wisdom if we are to recover from the troubles upon us. We can have hope again if we will vote for the righteous men.

For Christian Culture,

Don Schanzenbach



Voting Christian (What Does That Mean?)

Don’t Vote for a Weiner

Political Incrementalism

Suspender Man™, Don Schanzenbach, has long been an outspoken advocate of recapturing culture for Christ. He holds a MA in applied Biblical studies and a doctorate in applied theological studies in the field of political philosophy and government from New Geneva Seminary. He has been thinking, writing and speaking on Christian culture for two decades.

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